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Blurry Lights

New Website!

The new website is finally up and going. Hooray! My hope is to keep ya'll up to date on my next recording project as it goes on, and to get more shows in more places in the new year, so keep a look out for that. But, since we're here, let's get caught up!

Over the last couple years, I've been writing, recording and playing music with some fine fellows in Ottumwa, IA, as part of two completely different sounding bands, a melodic hard rock band, The War I Survived, and a folk duo, The PBJs. You can find both of their music on bandcamp. (I'll note that I'm also rockin' a family Irish music band with my parents and partner right now).

Lots has changed over this past year, and so, I've come back to where I began, as a solo artist, and I brought some heartfelt, and often times depressing, songs with me. Or out of me, I should say.

Music has always been the best therapy for me. I always find solace in playing an instrument. Lately, words haven't been forthcoming, but just strumming the guitar, or plunking out a haunting tune on the piano can calm the fiercest demon roaming inside my brain. And I really hope the new tunes I'm working on will have an equal effect on you. So, until it's completed, I'll keep you updated as best I can.

I'll catch up with you again soon.


P.S. Random life thing: I'm doing a 30 day new movie challenge this month. Watch a new to you movie everyday. Tell me what you're watching in the comments!

P.P.S. The movie I watched today was "Hello I Am David!", a documentary catching the viewer up on what concert pianist David Helfgott has been doing in his later years. I remember watching the feature film "Shine" years ago, and this is the same dude the doc is about. I won't give anything away, but he's such an inspirational character. I recommend.

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